“The secular community (…) has no higher end than to facilitate and safeguard the family and friendship and solitude. (…) a household laughing together over a meal, or two friends talking over a pint of beer, or a man alone reading a book that interests him (…) all economics, politics, laws, armies and institutions save insofar as they prolong and multiply such scenes are a mere ploughing the sand and sowing the ocean, a meaningless vanity and vexation of spirit.”

C.S. Lewis in his essay Membership

Governments’ Only Raison d’Être

Personas as Stabilizer in Character Development

“Do not scold, like a kitchen-girl. No warrior scolds. Courteous words or else hard knocks are his only language.” (Tirian to Eustace in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle)

Eustace is told to behave like a warrior. But is he a warrior? Or about to become one? And, is it his purpose anyway to become a warrior, or rather something even greater which shares only some features with a warrior?

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